Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Who's Wants Bear Meat?

Seth had been waiting for about 6 years to be able to hunt a black bear. This year he finally got his license. He went up to Bloomer and hunted there. On Sunday the 22, he finally had a bear come in that didn't have cubs with it and got it with one shot. He was so excited and we were excited for him too. It is a female and he think it weighed about 225-250 pounds. So if anyone has any good bear recipes, pass them on.

The successful hunter.

Silas and Norah were both excited to see the bear. There was no way Norah was going to touch it. Silas thought it was cool and had fun petting it.

Her hands.

A foot.

Big Teeth!

Seth is getting a partial mount done. So when it is finished (which will be a while) we'll post a picture.


John Berg said...

Typical Packer fans, hating on the Bears.