Friday, July 25, 2008


I planned on putting up our CA trip pictures and things when we got home to WI. But this one thing couldn't wait. Here is a cute video that my mom took of Norah. (I stole it from her to put it up on our blog.)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Seth the Handy Man

Although teachers don't teach students during the summer, they still stay busy. Well Seth has really been keeping busy. Most days he works at school in the morning and then he goes to a farm and does some work in the afternoon. He also is the driving force of the playground project at school. Yesterday they took down 3 trees to make room for a basketball hoop. Norah and I went to watch. We let everyone else do the dirty work. Next week before we leave for CA, they are starting to put up a fence that will go up around the playground.

I also mentioned that Seth was making a book shelf for Norah's room. Well, Norm the New Yankee Workshop guy has nothing on him. Seth finished it in record time. And it looks great! There will be lots of room for books and toys.

Here is a fun video of Norah. I actually got her doing something. Usually when I put the camera up to tape something she stops whatever she's doing and stares at it. Enjoy! (Sorry for the rocking, she's in her swing.)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Relaxing Week

This week we really didn't do too much. But it was nice to be home after being up north. We are also starting to get ready to travel out to CA to see the Bergs. On Sunday we had our church picnic at a park in town. It was pretty fun. People just hated seeing Norah :) Also this week Seth started building a book shelf for Norah's room. I think it will look pretty good. I'll put some pictures up of it once it is finished. We are finished giving Norah her medicine for her breathing. We really don't think it did anything. So we'll see what the doctor thinks to do next. It was a little fun giving Norah her medicine though because she loved the taste of it. Almost every time we gave it to her, she would smile ear to ear while smacking her lips. Thankfully it doesn't bother her at all. Enjoy the new pictures!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

2 Months Old!!!

It's hard to believe but Norah is 2 months old today. She is just growing and changing so much. We can't believe how fast time has gone by. We went to the doctor this week. Norah was pretty happy and playful until she had to get an x-ray for her breathing and three shots. I felt like the meanest mom in the world that day. But Norah is doing well. She is taking an antibiotic to help with the breathing thing though, but she doesn't seem to mind it. She is now 10 lbs. 9 oz. and is 23 inches long. As she's growing we are starting to see our features in her. Mom's hair and eyes and the shape of her face looks more and more like Dad. She is doing really well at holding her head up too. As I'm typing she is sitting on my lap holding her head like a pro. Hope you enjoy the new pictures.

Taking a nap with Mom.

Watching the Brewers with Dad.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Random Cabin Pictures

Here are some extra pictures from our vacation. We really had a great time. Now the countdown begins for our next vacation out to CA to see the Bergs!!!

Day at the Zoo

While we were at the cabin the aunts and cousins went to a small zoo/petting zoo called Wildwood. They had lots of interesting animals to see, feed, and pet. Not only did Rowan enjoy it but the adults did too. I liked that it was well kept. I saw two different workers walking around picking up animal poop with their hands, and without gloves! Yuck! But I'm glad they were doing it. Although they missed a couple spots. Both Rachael and myself stepped in some in the white tail deer yard. Seth and I are looking forward to taking Norah there when she is a little older.

Norah enjoyed the day as well. She watched the back of her eye lids the whole trip. That's okay though, she got a really good nap that day.

Taking a Bath Up North

We have pictures to add to the Jaeger family collection of cabin pictures. Seth remembers seeing pictures of himself and his siblings getting baths in the kitchen sink. Now Norah's can be added to the bunch. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

At the Cabin

On our next leg of our trip we headed up to the family cabin on Sunday the 29th. We were really excited to get there so we left Johnson Creek as soon as we could. It was nice to get there to relax and to see family.

At the cabin Norah was able to snuggle with her Grandma Great, who just hated it ;) Grandma Great truly had the touch. Each time she cuddled with Norah, Norah would fall asleep.

She also got to spend time with her cousin Rowan. Rowan was very excited to see "baby Norah." She asked to hold her a couple of times. She would giggle and smile each time Norah would smile or "talk" to her. It was nice for us to see our niece. Seth and I both had fun playing games with her. I included a picture of her after she caught her first fish.

The first morning we were there Norah found her thumb. She has only done this a couple times. But each time she has done it, she has the rest of her hand open on her face. It was cute to see her and her cousin Rowan sucking their thumbs at the same time.