Sunday, October 28, 2012


Happy Halloween! (a few days early) In our area Trick-or-Treating is always on a Sunday. So the kids got to go today. They were both very excited to get dressed up in their costumes and go.

Silas the cowboy.

Norah the "mean" witch.

We had a fun time but got a little chilly at the end.

Silas really enjoyed it after he saw all the candy he was getting.

Enjoying some of his candy. Once Silas finished his treat, he went right back to his bucket for more. He was pretty sad when mom said no. 

Norah was a little cold when we got back but was happy when she got to pick out a piece of candy.

Seth and I had fun taking the kids out and watching them have a blast. We are enjoying the years when they say their finished after about 30 minutes and we get to raid the candy after they go to bed!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Carving Away

The past few weeks here have been pretty laid back, which is nice. Seth is done with his football season and Norah is still loving school. Silas and I are good too. He asks me a lot if the baby is coming out and I have to tell him not yet each time. I am 34 weeks nowand feeling good. We all are looking forward to when our little girl is born.

The kids had fun giving Cash special treats on his birthday. Cash is now 4 with lots of puppy left in him.

Yesterday we decided to carve our pumpkins so they are ready for Trick or Treating on Sunday. Each of the kids picked the shapes of their faces. Silas wanted his to be sad. He aslo loved getting all the pumpkin guts out.

Norah wanted hers to look mean. She only lasted about 2 minutes on cleaning out the insides of the pumpkin. She didn't want her hands to get all dirty, which is normal for her.

My favorite part of her pumpkin is the eyebrows. She said they make it look extra mean. Norah also did most of the drawing of the shapes of the face.

They are very proud of all of their hard work.

The most exciting part was lighting the candles. Silas loved blowing out the candle when we went inside. He was singing Happy Birthday while he was doing it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jesus Loves Me

This is one of Silas' favorite songs to sing. And of course, we love it when he sings it too.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

We Love Leaves

The temperature here has really cooled down around here. But we still are having some beautiful days where we can play outside. Today we got to rake up some leaves and play in them. The kids had a ball. Hopefully we'll have some nice days next weekend where we can play in them some more.

Helping daddy pick them up afterwards. We have some great helpers.

Great Day

On Saturday, I had a wonderful day celebrating my birthday with the family. I also got tons of lovely phone calls wishing me a happy birthday. It was a great day.

One of the best parts of the day was when Norah and Silas sang Happy Birthday to me in the car over and over again. Then again at home. Sorry to everyone else who sang happy birthday, but this singing was the best of the day.

(Sorry for it being sideways.)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Little Farmer

This week Norah had her first field trip of the year. She got to go to a pumpkin and apple farm called The Little Farmer. Silas and I were happy because we got to tag along.

Enjoying their apples.

We got to take a long hayride by the apple trees, pumpkin patches and through the woods.

Everyone got to pick out their own pumpkin.

They're growing up too fast.

They both loved the tractor swings.

They both played hard that morning. So it was no noise coming from their room during nap time.

For an afternoon snack they got to each eat a carmel apple they got at the farm.

It was a fun fall day.

We Love to Play

It's so much fun seeing Norah and Silas play together. They really get along well (most of the time). The other day they decided to play dress up and have fun with all their stuffed animals that were down stairs.

I think they said their friends were at a party.

I love his outfit combination.

Like Father, Like Kids

Norah and Silas love playing with Seth and being his helpers. So this past weekend they were able to go out and help Seth bait deer where he hunts. Of course they all had to have a camo hats for the occasion. Silas kept telling me over and over they they fed the deer corn and apples. Having deer on the brain, they pretended to "catch" deer all next week.

Another thing they get from their daddy is a love for the Green Bay Packers (Sorry Grandpa Berg). If Silas sees football on TV he'll ask if it's the Packers. Both kids also will point out all the Packer stuff in the stores. They make their daddy proud.

Norah had fun cheering on the Packers this past weekend.

New Roommates

There are some new roommates in our house. Norah and Silas are now sharing a room. Silas moved in with Norah and the new baby will have Silas' old room. They love staying in the same room. The best part is having the bunk beds together. They've been sharing for a little while now and they do great in the same room. We only had one nap time where Silas went up to join Norah on top.