Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful day celebrating the resurrection of our Lord on Easter. The kids were excited to find their Easter baskets.

Abel had a little help.

After church we drove down to Johnson Creek to celebrate with family.

As always, we had fun seeing cousins, aunts, uncles, Papa and Grandmas. Abel also got to meet his Johnson cousins for the first time. He got to snuggle with Maren.

Rowan and Abel, the oldest and youngest cousin.

Abel and Cole.

Even though we had some rain, the egg hunters were ready to go!

Abel skipped the hunt to snuggle with Grandma Great.

It was a great day. Can't wait till be can spend time with everyone again.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Playing and Coloring Eggs

Bird Houses

When we moved into our home, the previous owners had bird houses all over the yard. The kids really enjoyed watching the birds especially when there were baby birds they could watch. Some of the houses are getting rotten and falling apart. So, Seth built new ones for the bigger kids. They helped him get the wood at the store and after they were put together, they were in charge of painting them.

Abel doesn't have one to paint yet, but he and mom had fun watching.

Not the best picture, but here are the finished products, Norah's in on the left, Silas' in the middle and Lucy's house is on the right.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Snuggle Naps are the Best

Tummy Time

We've been working on building some muscles. Abel had lots of cheerleaders.

1 Month Old

Abel is one month old already! He is growing and getting stronger every day. He still likes to nap the day away, but is having more and more awake time, which his older siblings love. He keeps his eyes wide open where he almost looks surprised. He is also becoming a better sleeper at night, which I love. It is amazing how refreshed you feel after getting a good 4 hours of sleep in a row.
He loves his pacifier.

Here is his surprised face.

Watching daddy.

Abel's eye color has really lighten up this past month. It will be interesting to see what the final color will be.
One of the best things we are starting to see are smiles. They are still few and far between but they are so fun to see. We can't wait till we see Abel smiles all the time.

Settles at Home

As we are adjusting to a family of six, the kids have been having fun at home and school.
Abel in his shirt from Auntie Sarah and Uncle Jesse.

Silas and Norah during spirit week at school.

Silas the nerd and Norah the teacher.