Monday, March 18, 2013

Easter Program

This past Sunday at church, Norah sang in a little Easter program with the kindergarten class and both preschool classes. We always enjoy watching Norah sing away. She knew all her words and was singing out nice and loud. And the little kids didn't disappoint. There was a nose picker, a little girl in the front row lifting up her dress and little boys distracted and doing anything other then singing. But joking aside, it was so neat to watch all these little kids sing about their risen Savior. Here are two little videos of songs.

Still Playing in the Snow

As I am writing this post, we are getting more snow. We are all wishing for spring, but until then we'll still have fun playing with the white stuff.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fun at Home

Since it still doesn't seem to be any closer to spring, we have been hanging around the house. We just want warmer weather so we can go outside and air out the house. Unfortunately, Norah and I both got some kind of flu bug. Thankfully we are all better now and we pray no one else gets it. Seth's track season had started. He is the head coach this year so he is a little busier then last year with it. The kids and I are looking forward to going to a couple meets. Otherwise not much is new around here.

Lucy loves her new toy. Silas and Norah love it too.

Monday, March 11, 2013

A First For Lucy

Today we had a fun first for Lucy. She was having a fun time watching Norah and Silas jump up and down to the music in her bouncer.

(I'll update more later, but this one couldn't wait.)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lucy Talking

Here is an example of Lucy talking. If you're there to listen, she'll talk your ear off. She just might take after her big sister.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Lucy's 3 Months Old

Three months already! I think time is going by faster then usual. Lucy is such a happy, smilely baby. She's still talking to us all the time. And she is getting pretty close to rolling over from her belly to her back. But I think her next achievement should be sleeping through the night :) Norah and Silas love her so much. They ask to hold her almost everyday. It's so fun to see them talk to her and Lucy gives them great big smiles. She loves her big brother and sister already. We're excited to see what this next month brings.

It only took us 3 months but we finally have Lucy's dresser completed.

Here is the before picture.

Lucy is holding her head really well. She's starting to enjoy time on her tummy a lot more now.

We love our Lucy.

Boys Will Be Boys

We had a little extra adventure on Wednesday night at church. Silas got his right middle finger shut in a heavy, self-closing bathroom door on the hinge side. Silas is usually pretty tough when it comes to getting hurt, so when he just couldn't calm down we decided to have it checked out. So a couple x-rays, and a prick in the fingernail to relieve pressure we were on our way to Dairy Queen for a special treat. Thankfully nothing was broken, but we might loose a finger nail. He's feeling good. The only time it bugs him is if he bumps it. He was such a good boy throughout everything. But we're hoping we don't have to go to urgent care or and ER anytime soon.

Enjoying his special treat.

For being such a good boy in the x-ray room Silas got super hero tattoos.

He had fun sharing with Norah.