Monday, October 19, 2009


We are starting to see Norah use her imagination a lot more lately. She is pretending to eat her play food, having her dolls dance and go "nigh night" and also taking things like her blanket and monkey on a walk. She is getting so big.

She also loves singing songs and dancing to music in her bedroom. We will put on a kiddy cd and she will dance away. One song that Norah loves is "Who built the Ark? Noah, Noah!" She loves it because she thinks they are saying Norah not Noah. So she sings along and "Nonee, Nonee." (That is how she says Norah.) It's fun to see.

The Mighty Hunter

Seth is a killin' machine. He got his doe on Saturday night. Although he had fun tracking this one down, it's not making it into our freezer. He shot it for one of our teachers at school. But we are proud of him anyway.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We Love to Read

Norah has always been interested in books, but lately she really has been into them. She'll ask "Again?" once you finish reading and she has also been asking "One more?" as in "read it one more time." It is fun to see. Last week we started going to a Story Time at the Chippewa library. It is once a week for about 2 months. Today she really enjoyed it because the teacher read an Elmo book.

Norah has a couple of favorite books at home. "Duck and Goose: How are you Feeling?" is one of them. She is getting to know and understand all sorts of different feelings. This is an example of one of the pages.

It is so fun to see how much she is learning everyday.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

White Stuff Good, Yellow Bad

Because of the snow we had yesterday, we thought it would be a good time to let Norah try some. She really liked it. Now we just need to teach her to stay away from the yellow stuff.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What Ever Happened to Fall?

What Do You Do On a Cold Day?

Build a tent with dad, of course!

And snuggle with your dog.

Yeah for Pumpkins!!

This past weekend we took Norah to a pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins for fall. It was a lot of fun to see her run around looking at everything. She was a little more interested in the rocks on the ground then the pumpkins though. Is was also pretty cold. But we made the most of it.

Trying to pick up some rocks with her gloves on.

A view of the fall leaves in Chippewa Falls. (For those of you who don't get to see this.)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Things Norah Loves

Norah loves putting buckles together. She might get a little frustrated sometimes, but she keeps working at it till she gets it.

She also is starting to do a lot of singing and is loving it. In the middle of this video she gets a little distracted by the camera. But I had to try to show you how she sings the ABCs with her Elmo toy.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Norah Loves the Fall

Unfortunately it has gotten really cold here and fast. But at least Norah likes to wear her warm coat and hat. She loves it so much that when we get inside she doesn't want me to take them off. She'll just go and play still all bundled up. I guess it's better then her hating it all.

She will even fall like a noodle to the ground so I can't take off her coat. That little stinker.