Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Two Wheels are Better Than Four

Sorry, this isn't the best video. But it gives you the idea.

Morning at the park

We are trying to enjoy our mornings with kids still home as much as we can. So this morning we had adventures at Lakeside Park.

After the playground, we got to watch the animals at the petting zoo eat their breakfast. We explored a couple bridges and made wishes in the fountain.


Our last stop was the lighthouse. It was open today so we got to climb all the stairs to the top. The kids could have spent all day up there they loved it.

Enjoying the final days of summer vacation.

Bay Beach!

This past Sunday we drove up to Green Bay and meet the Appleton Jaegers at the Bay Beach Amusement park. It has a bunch of little carnival type rides. Norah LOVED everything. She was a little bummed she was too short for the roller coaster. Silas as way more adventurous this time. He tried rides he was scared of before and loved them. Lucy had fun too. She loved any ride that had a steering wheel. It was great to have another fun family day before school starts.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Razorback Retreat Part 4

We had so much fun on our last full day at the cabin. The weather was beautiful and we got to spend time with Grandma, the Buergers and more cousins.

And the last night wouldn't be complete without ice cream.

We can't wait to go back.

Razorback Retreat Part 3

On one morning outing, Silas and Norah got to go on pony rides.

Norah was on Yogi.

Silas rode Blackie.

After the pony rides, we took the big kids on the go karts.

They were very fast. I think it was the first time I ever had to use the brakes turning while riding one.

Can't beat building sand castles at the beach. Seth had lots of helpers.

Nothing beats a good s'more by the fire.

Filling the deer feeder.

Boat ride with Uncle Joe and cousin Jack.