Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Dad that Loves His Little Girl

So what does a daddy do when he misses his little girl, get her a new bike! Her legs are just slightly too short to peddle on her own, but hopefully they will be long enough by the summer.

California Trip Videos

Here are a few videos from the trip.

Isaac pointing out letters. He doesn't talk much but he sure does know his letters.

Norah wanting Isaac to come and put his helmet on.

Playing with the bubble gun that Auntie Rachel got for Norah.

California Trip Continued

The last full day we were there we went into San Fransico with Grandma, Rachel, Ashley and Katherine. Norah was a excellant little girl in the city. It was fun to see some old sights I haven't seen in a while and show Norah some for the first time.

Watching the airplanes fly by. Not a normal sight in Bloomer.

Alcatraz in the background.

Very sleepy after a long day in San Fransico.

Time for one more bike ride before we left.

California Trip Continued

While we were there the Phillips came to visit. Norah had lots of fun playing with Isaac and Julia. We got to take the kids to a couple of really nice parks, which they loved. Thanks for making the trip down to Fremont!

A Girls California Trip

Earlier this week Norah and I got back from visiting the Bergs in CA. We had a lot of fun playing with family and going outside. She did get a little confused when she didn't have to put on her hat and mittens everytime we went outside though. Auntie Rachel came to visit us while we were there. Norah had fun sharing yummy food with her.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Puppy Love

Norah loves her puppy. Tonight after dinner she couldn't get enough of Cash. She would go up and lean in for a kiss and just wait for Cash to "kiss" her back. (Sorry Grandma Berg.)

We asked her to stand by Cash for a picture and this is what she did while saying, "Ears!" Cash just sits there and takes it. What a good dog. He loves Norah too.