Monday, April 15, 2013

More of Lucy

My 4 month post of Lucy didn't have that many pictures, so this is me making up for it.

Lucy was proud to cheer on Michigan in the NCAA tournament.

This past weekend Lucy got to try some baby cereal for the first time. Silas and Norah were very excited. They were both asking if they could feed her. She did pretty well with it too.

We love our little Lucy.

I had mentioned that Lucy is getting more vocal. Here is an example.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4 Months Old

Little Lucy is 4 months old now and she's still as happy as could be. She is starting to become more and more vocal and is also starting to get more interested in little rattles and toys. She is also mobile, kind of. If she is put on her belly, Lucy can roll over onto her back.We're still not sleeping through the night yet. She's done it once and I am praying she does more and more. At her doctor check up, they still heard her heart murmur but she's growing like crazy. Lucy is now 15 pounds 11 ounces and 25.25 inches long. We love our little girl and we can't wait for the warmer weather so we can see her rolly arms and legs more.

First time in a swing. She wasn't too sure what to think about it.

Auntie Sarah took some 4 month pictures of Lucy while we were in CA, so I'll have more 4 month pictures to share later. Thanks Aunt Sarah.

Back Home to Wisconsin

Although we didn't want to leave CA, we did want to get home and see Seth. Silas and Norah were excited to look for more Easter Baskets when we got home.

Since the weather hasn't been very spring like, Seth had the idea to take the kids bowling. It was a lot of fun to see them get excited to try something new.

Lucy had a nice nap while we were there.

As you can tell by Silas and Norah's score, we used the bumpers.

 We also got to enjoy some pizza while daddy bowled an extra game. We had a great time and it's something we'll like to do as  a family again.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Enjoying Family Time

We were so thankful that Uncle PJ took two days off of work while we were there. The kids love playing with him and on him.

Uncle PJ jungle gym.

Picking flowers outside.

Silas loved playing in the front yard and "in the street."

Another great day for a visit to a park.

Both Silas and Norah loved the merry-go-round. The only difference is Norah loved riding and Silas loved pushing.

Ashley (16) and Katherine (15) enjoyed playing at the park too.

One of the days we were there we went to the Junior Museum and Zoo in Palo Alto. It's a small children's museum where the focus is science and nature. The kids had fun. They liked looking at all the small animals the most.

Another must on our trip was a tea party. We got to use Grandma's fancy tea cups and have "tea" and little snacks. Grandma must trust her grandkids more than I do because she let them use 150+ year old tea cups.

Norah had fun pouring everyone their tea.

 Rachel came back in town for one morning. She had meeting in San Francisco that day. Norah and Silas had lots of fun playing with her outside that morning. They also gave big hugs while saying good bye.

Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa for the amazing trip. We can't wait to come and visit again.