Monday, January 31, 2011

Little Silas

Silas is showing us his new tricks more and more lately. He is rolling around playing with his toys. His favorite things to play with right now are his socks. He is starting to chatter a lot more too. He is such a blessing and we can't wait to see what he will learn next.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Interesting Times

Norah always keeps us on our toes and always keeps life interesting with surprising us. This past week, all of a sudden she was interested in writing her name. So while Silas was napping I got to pull out my teaching skills. She thinks is pretty cool that she can write real letters.

Norah's writing is in the pink!

Silas has also been keeping meal times interesting. He loves eating his solid foods, but he also likes to talk a lot when he's eating. He will blow little raspberries with his lips, which sends food everywhere, his face, his hair, mom's face, dad's clothes, etc.

Norah in her new car seat. She is upgrading to a new one because Silas is almost too big for his infant car seat. Norah was in that one till she was one, but it looks like Silas will out grow it by 9 months! He will get Norah's old car seat so he can still seat rear facing till his birthday.
The other part of interesting news that we have around here is that Seth received a call on Monday January 17th. It is a call to teach at Winnebago Lutheran Academy in Fond du Lac, WI. It would be teaching Physical Education, a class yet to be determined, and coaching. Needless to say the first few nights here there wasn't much sleep going on. There have been numerous conversations and prayers about the call there and here in Bloomer. Thankfully Seth will have a couple more weeks to make his decision. We will let you all know the decision once it's made.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yesterday we had a little field trip. We went to go visit some puppies. The Lunneman's dog had puppies a little before Christmas. (They are friends from church.) The dogs are a beagle and a mix of something else, I can't remember. They were so cute. Norah liked playing with them too. I think she liked that she was able to hold them all by herself. Silas didn't react much to them. But he got to pet them too. We will hopefully be able to visit them again once they are even bigger.

Super cute dogs. If anyone wants one they are selling them. (Sarah and Jesse, I think I have an idea for Julia's birthday present :) We need to be able to spoil her as her godparents, right.)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Friends Over to Play

This past week we had the Zeke and Sophie Strand over to play. They all had lots of fun especially with Norah's princess stuff. We think these pictures might come back to haunt Zeke though.

Silas loves Cash and Cash loves Silas.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Haircuts and a Wedding

Silas had his 6 month check up and did great. We always feel so bad when he gets his shots though. He is now 27 3/4 inches (90th percentile) and 15 lbs 14 oz (20th percentile). He only gained 14 oz in two months. That's okay though. He is doing better and better with his solid foods so he'll catch up in no time.
We had a nice and relaxing weekend around here. I did get a little nervous on Sunday though. I have been cutting Seth's hair for a while now and Sunday I did again. Then of course Norah asks, "Can I get my hair cut too?" She has been needing a trim for a little while so brave mom says, "Sure." Boy was that nerve racking especially with a wiggly client. Thankfully she only needed a little trim so it turned out just fine. I tried to get a nice picture with her new haircut but these were all I could get.

As many of you know, Norah pretends to be anything and everything. Lately she has been princess Tiana from Disney's The Princess and the Frog. She pretends to do things that Tiana does in the movie. Today it was getting married. She told me, "I need a towel on my head." aka a veil. So here is our princess ready to be married.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Silas is 6 Months Old!

Our little man is 6 months old now. Crazy! Silas is a happy little guy, always smiling and laughing at Norah. He is still happy to lay on his back. I really think he could roll over onto his tummy but he just doesn't want to. He just started solid food this week. He wasn't the biggest fan of peas the first night, as you'll see in the videos, but he likes them more now. He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow so we'll update you with his stats later. We are so thankful to have a happy and healthy little boy.

Not sure what to think.

Don't worry, we didn't make him eat more after this.

New Year and Jaeger Christmas

Our New Year's day was a happy one, with the exception of the Badgers. We were able to spent it with Seth's family and celebrate Christmas with the whole family. It is always great to see everyone. Norah loves playing with her cousins, and Silas just loves smiling at everyone. We can't wait to see them all again soon.

All the Jaeger cousins. Rowan, Norah, Maren and Henry in the back and Jackson, Silas and Gideon in the front.

Norah had fun holding Jack while he was sleeping.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas in California

This year we were able to spend Christmas in California with the Bergs. Both Norah and Silas did excellent on the airplane. We had a blast with everyone. We can't wait to go back and visit again.

Helping Grandma put some ornaments on the tree.

Hanging out with Auntie Rachel and Auntie Sarah.

Christmas Eve after church. All the kids were in bed sleeping.
Playing with their new cellphones from Auntie Rachel. I have a feeling that they will be doing this a lot in their future.

Family photos before church on Christmas Day.

We loved laughing at uncle PJ.

Isaac trying our his new football.
The old clothes line is still good for something.

Silas having fun watching Isaac and Norah play.

Julia watching from inside after a nap.

Silas loves his naked time.

Playing doctor with Grandpa. They played this game for over an hour.

Having fun with Grandma.

Ashley and Katherine helping us out at the park. They were great aunties the entire vacation.

This was one of Norah's favorite things at the park. See the videos below.

Grandma and Grandpa took us to the mall so the kids could have fun on some little rides.

We love Grandpa.

Silas and Julia in Christmas pjs that Grandma bought for Isaac and Norah with they were little.

We love our cousins.

We love Grandma and Grandpa too.

The kids loved playing with uncle PJ.

Vidoes from the park.

When Norah was done spinning. Watch her eyes.

That unlce Pj always knows the fun games.