Monday, January 10, 2011

Haircuts and a Wedding

Silas had his 6 month check up and did great. We always feel so bad when he gets his shots though. He is now 27 3/4 inches (90th percentile) and 15 lbs 14 oz (20th percentile). He only gained 14 oz in two months. That's okay though. He is doing better and better with his solid foods so he'll catch up in no time.
We had a nice and relaxing weekend around here. I did get a little nervous on Sunday though. I have been cutting Seth's hair for a while now and Sunday I did again. Then of course Norah asks, "Can I get my hair cut too?" She has been needing a trim for a little while so brave mom says, "Sure." Boy was that nerve racking especially with a wiggly client. Thankfully she only needed a little trim so it turned out just fine. I tried to get a nice picture with her new haircut but these were all I could get.

As many of you know, Norah pretends to be anything and everything. Lately she has been princess Tiana from Disney's The Princess and the Frog. She pretends to do things that Tiana does in the movie. Today it was getting married. She told me, "I need a towel on my head." aka a veil. So here is our princess ready to be married.