Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting into More Trouble

Norah is starting to get herself into more mischief lately. This is the latest place she likes to go and hang out.

Maren Kay is 1!!!

On Saturday August 22, our niece Maren had her first birthday. Norah and I went down to the party. Norah had a lot of fun playing with her cousins and all of their toys. We were so happy we could be there for Maren's special day.

The birthday girl.

The Tradition Continues...

When I was little we would drive to see my Great grandparents in the Twin Cities. During those trips we would stop in Black River Falls, WI to visit these giant statues. My mom has pictures of us in front of them. So on the way down to Maren's birthday Norah and I decided to see them. (She looks tiny standing next to them.)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Say Norah"

Norah has been saying more and more words lately. One of my favorites is when she says her name.

Sorry it's not the best video, but you can hear how she says Norah.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Brewers Game

This past Sunday Seth and I went to a Brewers game with his family. It was his parents anniversary present. We had a lot of fun tailgating and watching the game. We had really nice seats. Too bad they lost. We missed Norah that day, but it was fun to see her when we got home.

Bathing Beauty

Anytime Norah can get outside she loves it. And if it included water, she'll love it even more.

Norah, where's your belly?

Norah Loves Puppies

Like all little kids her age, Norah can look around and find anything that's not a toy to play with. This day she found Cash's old collar. Well she knows what it is used for, so she was trying to put it around her neck to wear it. She loves puppies so much she wants to be like one.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Silly Norah

It is nice to be home and not traveling for a little while. Norah is back to being a crazy little girl again.

She put them on all by herself. (She worked so hard that I couldn't get myself to switch them to make them right side up. And they were cuter this way.)

She got a good night sleep and was ready to play.

Last Days Up North

We had a wonderful time up at the cabin. Here are a few more fun pictures.

Papa (Grandpa Jaeger) put on his German polka music. The girls loved it.

Norah was still dancing long after others stopped.

Rowan helping Seth fillet fish.

Hair cut anyone?

Uncle Larry gave us a boat ride. You can't tell from her face here but Norah did enjoy herself.

Dancing to the music from a book.

Are these cute butts or what?
Our last night having a campfire and s'mores.

Rowan was having the time of her life. Later that night she looked up to the sky and said, "Thank you Jesus for campfires and s'mores!" It was the cutest thing ever.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Off to the Zoo

During one of our last days up north we went to Wildwood Wildlife Park in Minocqua. I took Norah there last year. She enjoyed herself a lot this year (well last year she was two months old and slept the entire time). Her two favorite things were running through a giant tube and feeding the animals. She would smile and clap after every animal she fed. I think this is going to be a place we will go every year.

Holding hands while walking in.

Petting the huge bunny.

Giving the bears "soda."

This is the tunnel/ pipe she loved running in.

They all loved it.

This bird house was a new exhibit this year.

Norah wasn't too sure about the birds when this picture was taken. Her finger got in the way of the food.

Trying to feed the birds all by herself.
She just loved feeding the animals.

Maren was so happy the whole time.

Starting to slow down.

Rowan loved the baby bunnies. (We didn't tell her they were for sale.)

All tuckered out on the way home. (This is also a good picture of the bug bites she got on her face while she was sleeping at night.)