Sunday, September 26, 2010

Little Musician

Uncle Jesse, I think she made need a little work before she's ready to jam with you.

(Please excuse the little girl for not having any pants on. She just went to the bathroom and didn't want them back on. But for a little girl that is potty training, I'm okay with it.)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Changes in Our House

This week has brought on some changes in our home. The biggest is that Norah has started potty training. She is doing really well so far. She is very excited to be wearing her panties (that's what she calls them).

Silas' neck is getting stronger and stronger. He got to try out his Bumbo chair from Great Grandpa and Granny. He does pretty well in it, but can't sit for too long. He can finally sit with us at the kitchen table while we eat!

Henry Turns 2!

Our nephew Henry just had his second birthday. They celebrated by having a little party. It was a lot of fun to see family. Norah loved playing with her cousins and the other kids that were there. When we asked her what her favorite part of the party was, she said, "Singing happy birthday." Silas was a good little boy too. He got to snuggle and "talk" with some of his grandmas.

Hanging out with uncle Joe.

Henry with his cool fire engine cake. Unfortunately, the front was a little heavy so the glass and the flags were there to help keep it together.

The best atempt to get a picture with the great grandmas.

The kids with Great Grandma Jaeger.

Hunting Has Begun

In honor of the start of bow hunting Silas and Seth dressed up.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Enjoying It While It Lasts

We are really starting to feel fall around here. The temperature is cooler these days and it gets dark earlier and earlier. So we are trying to get outside and enjoy the sunshine as much as we can.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Good Bye Civic

This past weekend we had a big change in our lives. We said good bye to our lovely Honda Civic. Since our family has grown in the past few years, with bringing home two children and a dog, we out grew our car. So we traded it in for a car that we all could fit in. We got a 2006 Jeep Commander! We are very excited about our new vehicle and happy to ride in it for many years to come.

So long Civic. Thanks for all the good times over all those miles.

Silas the Big Boy

We can't believe it, Silas is 2 months old already. He is such a good little boy. He is a great sleeper at night, having a 6-7 hour stretch at the start of the night. He is always happy with lots of smiles and talks all the time. He is growing like a weed as well. He went to the doctor last week and he weighed 12 pounds 6 ounces and was 23 1/4 inches long! He just 1/4 of an inch taller then what Norah was at 2 months but he also weighs 2 pounds more then what she did. We are so thankful to have this little man in our lives.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sibling Love

My heart melted this morning. I left the room to do something and when I came back this is what I saw. Love it!