Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday was a day Norah was looking forward to for months. She got to go trick or treating! She was very excited to dress up like a queen, "a nice one, not a mean one" as she puts it. The only bad part of the day is that is was sprinkling the entire time. But we braved the weather and had a great time. Norah would go up to a house with arms spread out and yell, "Trick or Treat!" I think she charmed a lot of people because she was getting hands full of candy not just a piece or two. Silas did well too. There was only one house that made him cry with their scary masks. Next year I'm sure he'll be running from house to house just like Norah.

Our sweet "nice" queen.

The happy sailor.

They are just too cute, I think this is why they got so much candy.

Out collecting candy. It wouldn't be a WI Halloween with out a winter hat underneath the costume.

Norah all wet but happing a ball.

Enjoying the fruits of their labors.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bike Riding

Norah has really started enjoying riding her bike. She's starting to get the hang of it more and more. She's not the best steering yet, but she's getting there.

Silas is finding new ways to make us giggle all the time. He's done this a couple times, but I was able to get it on video. He is trying to change the channel on the TV.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Wedding and a Froggy

This weekend we got to see Grandma Joyce and Papa again! Friday night WLA played Lakeside in the playoffs in Lakemills, so we dropped off Seth and the kids and I went to the Jaegers. Norah and Silas had fun with Grandma while Papa and I went to the game. WLA lost :( Oh well, there is still hope for the soccer team. They play in the state game on Friday! On Saturday Seth was standing up in a friend's wedding. So Grandma and Papa watched the kids while we went to the wedding. Thank you Grandma and Papa!

The kids had lots of fun at the Jaegers, like always. But this time they really enjoyed the piano.

Norah was espeically happy this weekend because she got to bring Froggy home from school. Froggy is a traveling friend that visits all the kids homes. They have a special notebook where they get to share what they did with Froggy and then they get to bring a "show and tell" they next week. (It also reminds the parents that they are in charge of snacks the next week.) Norah loved having Froggy visit and can't wait till he gets to visit again.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Jack & Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend we had a lot of fun with the Jaeger family. On Saturday we got to celebrate cousin Jackson's 1st birthday.

Amanda made his cake. Too cute!

On Sunday, Grandma Joyce and Papa took all of us to Busy Barns Farm in Fort Atkinson for a day of fun. Seth didn't come along on this part of the trip because he got to go to the Packer game. Seth had a great time and had great seats.

Norah by her favorite scare crows. Rapunzel and her friends from the movie Tangled.

Sweet Maren and Norah. Maren was comforting Norah after she hurt her knee.

Silas loved the Corn box. It's just like a sand box only with corn.

Trying to get a cousin picture. These were the best I got.

Having fun on the hayride.

We had a great time and we can't wait to see all our cousins again soon.

Friday, October 14, 2011


After over 15 months, little Silas has decided to do some walking! He's still working on it but he'll get right up after he falls and try again. I think we'll still see mostly crawling for a little while yet but we'll keep him practicing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We Love Leaves!

Yesterday the kids and I had some fun outside enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having. And what's more fun then playing in a big pile of leaves?

By the time we went inside, Norah had tons of leaf pieces in her hair and Silas had about 5 or 6 leaves down the back of his onesie undershirt.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Little Farmer

This past week Norah got to go on her first field trip with school. Silas and I got to tag along too which was fun. We went to the Little Farmer which is a pumpkin patch and apple orchard. Norah had a blast. We went on a long hay ride to a pumpkin patch where she got to pick out her own pumpkin. Then she was able to pick her own apple from the tree. That was one of her favorite parts of the day. She also got to feed some goats and play with her classmates. Silas had fun too. He loved his apple. He ate over half of it all by himself. At the end, Norah got to have a treat of a caramal apple. It was a great day with great weather.

On the hay ride.

Walking with a friend.

Norah with her teachers and most of her classmates.

The kids have been playing together more and more. Silas just LOVES it. This morning they were having fun walking around the house doing some "shopping."

Silas isn't walking yet but he has discovered that he can stand all by himself. We try to get him to walk but he's not ready yet. Sorry he doesn't have any pants on. He decided to to take them off a little before I took the videos.