Friday, September 9, 2016

The Wheels on the Bus

Over the summer Seth took classes to get his CDL to drive bus for his sports teams. It will be nice for him to get paid while he is coaching. They had a game in North Fond du Lac that we went to and the kids got to see him drive and even got a little ride while he parked the bus. They thought daddy's bus was pretty cool.

Preschool TIme

I can't believe it, but Lucy is now in preschool! She is in a 3 year old preschool two mornings a week. She has been waiting years for this day and boy, did she love it. Once she got picked up, she didn't stop talking for about 20 minutes. We are all excited for her fun year!

7 Months

Abel John Mark is 7 months old! He is still a super happy little boy but is learning how he can get his point across. He is rolling all over and had even started scooting himself backwards on the hardwood floors. He does really well sitting on his own too. Abel is also starting to reach out to mommy when someone else is holding him. We love our smiley little guy!

School Begins

On August 24, Norah and Silas started school. Norah is in 3rd grade and Silas is in kindergarten.

They were both super excited for school to start and so far, they are loving it!

Love These Kids

Seth and I love, love, love these crazy kids!