Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Video Time

Here are a couple videos we've taken lately.

Silas is getting stronger all the time. Here is an example while holding Seth's hands.

Norah has been very into Christmas music lately. So we've been teaching her different songs. Here is one of her favorites.

Silas loves his big sister. They had been playing this game for a while before I got out the camera. And of course it isn't as good as it was when they first started playing, but you'll get the idea.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy 99th Birthday Papa Charley!!!

This past weekend the kids and I were able to go down to Arkansas to help our Papa Charley celebrate his 99th birthday. He is my great grandpa and Norah and Silas' great great grandpa. After almost getting stuck in Minneapolis and Chicago we made it. We had a lot of fun. One of my favorite things about the trip was whenever we would go over to Papa Charley's or meet him somewhere, Norah would run up to him and give him a big hug. It was the sweetest thing. Norah said her favorite part of the trip was playing with her cousins and with Papa Charley.

Granny and Great Grandpa gave Papa Charley a birthday party in between services at his church. It was great to see all the people that love Gramps as much as we do.

A little candy helped the kids wait for their turn to get some birthday cake.

All the cousins played so well together.

The kids with their great grandpa and their great great grandpa.

Granny brought play dough for the kids to play with. They loved it.

Five generations!!!

Julia, Norah, Silas and Isaac with their great grandparents.

Four generations!!

Grandma Beth and the grandkids.

Papa Charley with his baby, Lady.

Great Grandpa Loucks helped entertain Norah at the airport.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Silas is very excited for our trip to Arkansas tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A New Trick

The other day while we were eating, Silas was doing this almost the entire time. It's so fun when you can make new noises.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Work Ethic

Norah made me smile this morning. I came into the living room and she tells me, "I'm typing on my computer," aka a calculator. Then I notice she has a pan tucked behind her ear, super cute.

Putting her computer away. She also told me, "Mama, I'm a good worker."

Friday, November 5, 2010

Silas is 4 Months!

Silas is now 4 months old. He is growing and growing. He went to the doctor on Tuesday so we found out the he now is 15 pounds and 25 3/4 inches long. For weight he is at the 50 percentile but for height he is at 80th. At his 2 month check up he was at the 50 percentile for height, so he really grew. He also got some shots at the doctor but he did pretty good and didn't cry too long. He smiles all the time and is laughing more and more. I posted him rolling from his belly to his back, and it looks like he might be rolling from his back to his belling any day now. It is so much fun watching him take everything in and learning more everyday.

We are still trying to get a good video of Silas laughing. This is the best we've gotten so far.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust

Seth was victorious last night in the woods. He got his first deer of the season. It is a seven point buck. It would have been an eight pointer but one of the brow tines was broken off. We are very excited for him. Seth is now looking foward to having more venison stick made.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Roll Away!

We have another moving child! Silas rolled over for the first time today. He rolled from his belly to his back! I thankfully had my camera right there. I haven't taken any pictures of him on his belly lately so I wanted to get one with him holding his head up and then he surprised me with rolling over. We are so proud of our little man.

Trick or Treat!

After Jackson's baptism we headed to Mount Horeb to do a little trick or treating. The kids all looked so cute in their costumes. They had a great time Trick or Treating. It was fun to see Norah going from house to house. Her eyes would just light up when she got some candy after saying "trick or treat." I definitely think she's hooked. Silas was a trooper while we were out. he got in a little nap and gave smiles to many of the people handing out candy. Thanks Johnson family for letting us join you!

Our little Lion and Giraffe.

Snow White, Giraffe, Lion and a Butterfly.

The girls waiting for the door to open. They used their manners at every house and made sure they said thank you.

Silas looking around at the decorations.
Aunt Rachel brought along a stroller for the little girls to get a ride in between houses.

Sorry this isn't the best picture, but Norah's favorite thing she got trick or treating was a blow up guitar. Norah and Rowan got guitars and Maren got a hammer. Once we were done, it was fun watching the girls have a pillow fight type fight with their blow up toys. They were giggling the whole time.

Jackson's Baptism

On Sunday our new little nephew Jackson was baptized. It was a wonderful Reformation service and the baptism made it even better. Congratulations Jackson!!

Proud Great Grandmas.