Friday, November 5, 2010

Silas is 4 Months!

Silas is now 4 months old. He is growing and growing. He went to the doctor on Tuesday so we found out the he now is 15 pounds and 25 3/4 inches long. For weight he is at the 50 percentile but for height he is at 80th. At his 2 month check up he was at the 50 percentile for height, so he really grew. He also got some shots at the doctor but he did pretty good and didn't cry too long. He smiles all the time and is laughing more and more. I posted him rolling from his belly to his back, and it looks like he might be rolling from his back to his belling any day now. It is so much fun watching him take everything in and learning more everyday.

We are still trying to get a good video of Silas laughing. This is the best we've gotten so far.