Friday, June 26, 2009

All on a Hot Day

Well, to start this off I have to say the reason why Norah is only in a diaper. It was extremely hot! And then there was humidity added on to the heat. So we were just trying to keep her cool until we got her in some pajamas for bed.

"Auntie Sarah and Uncle Jesse, I'm practicing for when I meet my new cousin!"

"Don't worry I won't shake my cousin that hard."

She had been such a good girl all day, so Seth decided to share some of his ice cream. You will get to hear one of Norah's words over and over again.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Going Swimming

Norah got a pool for her birthday from her Anny Manny and Uncle Joe. It has been really warm and humid here so it was a perfect time to use it. The water was a little too cold at first, but Seth got some more hot water to make it just right. And then Norah had a great time. She was splashing away and even put her face in the water a couple times. Thanks for the pool!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Loving Summer

I love that the warm weather is here. Although we have had a couple of really humid days, I would take it any day next to the horrible winters. Norah is liking it too because she gets to play outside. It is one of her favorite things to do (and Cash's favorite too). She will just walk around sticking her fingers in dirt and picking up anything that seems interesting. It is fun to watch her. This past week we got to go to Appleton to see Ben, Susie and Henry. It was a short trip but it was nice to see them. Now that we are back home we are planning on enjoying the weekend and celebrating Father's Day.

A usual scene at our house.

Daddy let Norah have some of the whipped cream from his drink at Copper Rock where Uncle Ben and Aunt Susie work. You can tell she liked it.

This is when Daddy wouldn't let her have anymore because it was time for lunch.

Trying on our life jacket for boating this summer.

Norah and I were having a dance party while Seth was grilling. I love the way she shakes her head when we're swinging from side to side.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Norah Found a New Toy

This morning we were cleaning off our back porch and Norah found something to play with.

Uncle Joe & Uncle Dusty, you would be proud.

Off to the Park

We are finally starting to have warmer weather again. It was rainy and cold for almost a week. So we decided to take Norah to Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls. We went there last summer when she was really little. This time it was more fun because we got to see her react to all the animals. We plan on going later on in the summer to do the petting zoo because it was closed this time. I think Norah enjoyed walking around almost as much as looking at the animals.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Phone Lover

I think most of you might remember the old video where Norah was talking on her play telephone. Well, this is the latest version.

(The video could have gone on for probably about 5 minutes longer, but I thought I'd cut it off at about 1 minute.)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

This One's For Grandma Beth

Here you go Grandma Beth. Norah walking around, just like you asked.

I also added another little one of her because you had to wait so long.