Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lucy's Heart

As many of you know Lucy was born with an irregular heartbeat and two very small holes in her heart. The doctor's detected it about a week before she was born. We've had lots of extra doctor visits before and after she was born. Thankfully it looks like the extra heartbeats seem to be correcting themselves and the cardiologist says she's never seen holes that small cause any problems. There is a good possibility that they will close on their own.

Before we left the hospital, Lucy had to have a halter monitor put on so the doctors could watch her heart for a full 24 hours. We felt so bad that she had to wear it. She was such a trooper.

Lucy with her "remote control."

She did so well. But it was nice she only had to have it on for 24 hours and not 48.

After the stickers came off. hankfully it didn't take long for the redness to go away.