Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Sorry, I know it's been almost a month since my last post. I'll try to be better. In April, Silas had a big step in becoming a big boy. We got rid of his crib and he got a big bed! He was so excited and wanted to sleep in it right away. He has been really good about it too. There has been only one time where he got out of bed when he was supposed to go to sleep. We're so proud of our Silas.

Bye Crib!

 He loves it! The bed actually has side rails because it is the top of a bunk bed. (We decided to put them on to keep him from falling off, but it is pretty easy to take them off in the future.)

Because we got a bunk bed Norah got to have the bottom and had fun getting a new bed too. Seth had some very good helpers.