Thursday, July 7, 2011

Grandma Beth Came

We were so lucky because Grandma Beth flew out to visit us. She came right into the craziness of moving furniture in the house and getting things settled after getting the floors done. We had a lot of fun while she was here and she was even nice enough to help us paint and put in contact paper for us. We were sad to see her go but we are excited to see her in August along with the rest of the Bergs.

We got to go see a parade in town.

Waiting for it to start.

Walking home with a bag full of candy. You got to love small town parades (especially when there aren't any other kids by you so you don't have to compete for the candy).

Silas got an early birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa. He loves it. He especially likes throwing the little balls across the room.

Playing the new game Grandma brought for Norah.

Practicing his silly face.

Norah and Grandma's tea party. Grandma told Norah they would have a tea party when she came to visit just like in Alice in Wonderland.

She loved pouring the "tea."

We went with Grandma to Cedarburg to go and visit Great Grandma Berg. Grandma Berg loved seeing Silas. Norah colored a picture for Grandma and also sang her the alphabet song. Grandma giggled and smiled after Norah's song. We were very happy we got to visit with her. Love you Grandma Berg!

We are so happy Grandma Beth came and visited with us. We had a great time.