Monday, May 19, 2008

Norah's Baptism

We were very blessed on Sunday. Norah became a child of God through Holy Baptism. Seth and I were very excited to have both of our families and friends join us as we celebrated. All of Norah's godparents were able to be there as well, Ben Jaeger, Rachel Berg, and Ben Schramm. We are happy that Norah will have these great Christian role models and mentors throughout her life.

Norah did very well for her first time in church. She was wide awake throughout the entire baptism and not even the water bothered her. She did enjoy playing with the long ribbons on her baptismal gown though. We were also excited that she was able to wear that gown as well. Not only did I wear that gown, but Grandma Berg (my mom) also wore it.