Monday, May 13, 2013

Little Runners

We've had some fun days at the start of this month. Norah was super excited that she got to bring the her classroom's Clifford home for the weekend. We have another red dog stuffed animal at home so Silas had his own Clifford too.

We had a nice windy Saturday so Silas was excited to try his new kite.

While we were flying our kite at WLA the kids also got to jump on the high jump mats.

Silas had a great time running on the track while we were there too.

Last week at WLA, Seth ran a  5th-8th grade school track meet for all the area Lutheran grade schools. They also have a race for the K - 4th graders. Norah got to run with the Kindergarten girls

She was definitely the smallest.

But she did great! I was so proud of her for no giving up and running the entire way.

She was so excited to get a ribbon for finishing the race.