Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Norah!

We got to do a lot of celebrating this weekend. Our Norah turned 5 on the 10th. She has been looking forward to her birthday for a long time and was excited to have the butterfly birthday that she wanted.

She had fun opening her presents in the morning before school.

Enjoying some birthday cupcakes!

No cupcakes for Lucy this year. But she didn't mind.

Excited to see her birthday cake at her birthday party on Sunday.

Seth's family was so nice and drove all the way to North Fond du Lac to help us celebrate.

We also had fun celebrating Mother's Day together with all these other wonderful moms.

All the moms with the girls, except Lucy. She had just fallen asleep for her nap.

We had a great weekend celebrating. We are so thankful for our little girly girl Norah everyday.