Monday, May 13, 2013

Gymnactic Center Field Trip

This past week Norah had a field trip with her preschool class to a gymnactic center is Oshkosh. Silas, Lucy and I got to tag along. Both Silas and Norah had a great time. Silas' favorite thing was jumping into the foam block pit. Norah liked the zip line the best. They both would like to go back and show daddy this cool place.

I could barely get Silas to sit still for a picture.

Norah's silly grin after landing in the pit after the zip line. I can't even remember how mant times she did it.

Silas tried it too. He did it twice but he didn't like it that much. He didn't like falling 4 or 5 ttimes his height to fall into the block pit. i can't say I blame him though.