Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Night the Ballpark

This week we had a fun night at WLA. It was Mom and Tots night at the game. During the school year, I take Silas and Lucy (and Norah when she doesn't have school) to a mom's group at one of the area churches. Throughout the year they also have different outings and this was one of them.

All the kids got to take a picture with the team.

Silas and Norah with their friend Owen, who got to throw out the first pitch.

They got to stand with the players during the National Anthem.

Lucy enjoyed watching all the big kids.

After the game,they got to run the bases with the team.

Silas was also super excited because he won a door prize, a baseball signed by the entire WLA team. It was a great night to see friends, enjoy some wonderful weather, and to let the kids run around (which helped them all sleep like rocks).