Thursday, June 20, 2013

Walleye Weekend

We recently had a busy weekend. Seth's cousins came to to help us put on a new garage roof. They had it done in no time at all.

The kids had fun playing outside while they fixed the roof.

Later that afternoon we went down to Lakeside Park in Fond du Lac for their Walleye Weekend. It's a big festival with a fishing tournament, races, music, fun things for kids, and lots of food and beer.

We had fun taking the kids on the fun little rides they have at the park during the summer.

The entire family got to have fun riding the train together.

Once we were done with the rides, we went to WLA's tent for supper and their special treat of cream puffs.

Of course the kids were sad to leave. But they'll have something fun to look forward to for next summer.