Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6 Months Old

Lucy Leigh is half a year old! She is growing like crazy. Her next check up with her regular doctor is next week. I'm very interested to see how much she's grown. Lucy is rolling around all the time now and "talks" all the time. Overall she's a pretty happy little girl. She has been eating rice cereal for a while now and has just started other solids. She wasn't too sure about peas but did okay with them after a little while. We also think Lucy is teething. She has been chewing on anyhing she can get her hands on and drools like crazy. We'll just have to wait and see if teeth pop up soon. I'll give an update once I know just how much she's grown.

Lucy has the best big brother,

and the best big sister!

Grinning for daddy while trying some peas.