Monday, May 11, 2009

Birthday Party!!!

We had a lot of fun this weekend with Mother's Day and Norah's birthday. On Friday our friends the Lauers, Jenni, Kevin and Hayden, came over to visit. Ben, Susie and Henry came on Friday as well. It was so nice to see the Lauers because we haven't seen them in a while. Norah was very interested in Hayden. She gave her a hug and tried to touch her head repeatedly (and of course scratching everytime she tried).

Saturday was a fun day. Norah's 1st birthday party was a success. We had pizza and cake for lunch. As you can see from the pictures Norah loved her cake. We even got to sing the happy birthday song twice, one for Norah and one for Grandma Braasch. It was her birthday that day. So she got to blow out a candle too. Once Norah opened all here awesome gifts and said goodbye to everyone she went down for a well needed nap. She partied hard, and napped hard. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts and to those who made the trip to celebrate with us. We have great family and friends.