Thursday, January 7, 2016

Christmas Eve 2015

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. It definitely reminds us of how blessed we are.
Christmas Eve
After church, we were able to Skype with our CA family, have supper, and then open gifts.

The kids were so excited about all their gifts from us and from family.

Silas and Seth LOVED their new matching hunting gear. Silas has worn his hat everyday since.

Silas loved his new Star Wars gear.

You can always tell when Norah is excited.

One of Silas' favorite gifts was getting to go to a basketball camp.

Both of the girls were excited for their leotards and getting to do gymnastics.

Many of these battles have happened since that night.

Norah was excited to "help" Santa with his cookies.

New jammies from Grandma and Grandpa, and bed after a busy day.