Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Break

Seth and the kids had spring break from school at the same time this past week. So we took the opportunity to take a mini vacation up to the cabin.

Our first day the weather was beautiful. It was still a little cool but with a sweatshirt and a hat you didn't even notice it.

The kids had a lot of fun exploring in the woods.

That night the temperature was a little warm in the basement that first night (that's why some shirts are off). The kids had fun playing ping pong.

Lucy thought she would take her shirt off too and I think it made her extra silly too.

The big project was building a fort in the woods. Seth and Norah did most of the work with a little help from the rest of us.

Lucy using a nice log for a seat.

Norah's fire pit outside the fort.

Here is a front view.

Side view.

Looking down on it from the top of the hill.

The kids also wanted to do some climbing. Seth found a perfect tree.

Silas had fun climbing, but didn't want to go too high.

And of course, Lucy got a turn to hang on too.

A trip up north wouldn't be complete without a campfire treat.

The kids were all pretty tired by the end of our two days. Even Ruby was tired. We caught her sleeping on Norah's bed. The kids had fun snuggling with her.

It was a wonderful get away for out family and like always, we can't wait to go back.


John Berg said...

Love Norah's hat!