Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9 Month Old Lucy

Little Lucy is 9 1/2 months old. It is so much fun watching her take everything in. She has been trying more new finger foods, but seems to be a little picky with them. She is sleeping great at night and takes two good naps a day. She is pulling herself up to standing on anything she can and is pretty good and standing there too. One new thing she can do is clapping. She'll hear music or other people clapping and she'll start right up. She is so proud of herself and gets a big grin while doing it.
 We need to brake out the baby gates because Lucy is mobile! She scoots/crawls around. She loves being able to get Norah and Silas' toys. Thankfully she's not too fast yet so we can keep up with her.

Enjoying spaghetti.

Having fun clapping.

Lucy scooting/crawling.