Saturday, October 27, 2012

Carving Away

The past few weeks here have been pretty laid back, which is nice. Seth is done with his football season and Norah is still loving school. Silas and I are good too. He asks me a lot if the baby is coming out and I have to tell him not yet each time. I am 34 weeks nowand feeling good. We all are looking forward to when our little girl is born.

The kids had fun giving Cash special treats on his birthday. Cash is now 4 with lots of puppy left in him.

Yesterday we decided to carve our pumpkins so they are ready for Trick or Treating on Sunday. Each of the kids picked the shapes of their faces. Silas wanted his to be sad. He aslo loved getting all the pumpkin guts out.

Norah wanted hers to look mean. She only lasted about 2 minutes on cleaning out the insides of the pumpkin. She didn't want her hands to get all dirty, which is normal for her.

My favorite part of her pumpkin is the eyebrows. She said they make it look extra mean. Norah also did most of the drawing of the shapes of the face.

They are very proud of all of their hard work.

The most exciting part was lighting the candles. Silas loved blowing out the candle when we went inside. He was singing Happy Birthday while he was doing it.