Monday, June 25, 2012

Razorback Retreat

We got to have our first little vacation of the summer. We were able to go up to the cabin, as Norah calls it, "The best place on earth." We have a nice long relaxing weekend.

We got to do a little fishing. Seth caught a bunch of fish. But no luck for Norah this time. Silas has fun sticking his pole in the water. (Don't worry, he didn't have a hook.)

We had fun looking at all the animals on boat rides. We saw loons, painted turtles, a snapping turtle laying eggs, a bald eagle, two different mama ducks with ducklings, an otter like animal, bull frogs, tadpoles and lots of little fish.

Silas' face whenever we were riding in the boat or on kayaks.

We had beautiful weather so we got to go to the beach two different times.

The kids enjoying their cotton candy ice cream at Norah's second favorite place on earth, the Corner Store.

The Johnson family joined us at the cabin for our last couple of days. So we had a campfire with s'mores. Silas' first experience was a good one.

Yeah for sticky marshmellows.

Riding back from the beach.

Rowan drove us almost the entire way back.

Of course, one more trip to the Corner Store.

Uncle Dusty bought some sparklers and fireworks and our kids got to join in on the fun. Silas liked the sparklers more than the fireworks, but Norah was just the opposite. We almost couldn't get her to hold a sparkler, but she couldn't get enough of the fireworks.

We are excited to go back in the end of July for more fun.