Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

On Monday this week Seth had a field trip with the school to Pleasant Valley Tree Farm in Elk Mound. This time of year their focus is their pumpkin harvest. So the kids and I tagged along for the fun. It was a beautiful fall day. Norah had a blast doing all the activities with the kids from school. She was also super excited because she got to bring a pumpkin home.

Walking down the "Spooky Trail." It was a little tricky to take the stroller with Silas on it but at least it was easier than the Corn Maze.

This was one of Norah's favorites from the day, the 40 foot slide!

Thankfully Seth was there to help catch at the bottom. A couple kids almost wiped out.

Silas was a great little boy the entire day. He got a good nap and enjoyed being outside.

This was Norah's other favorite, the bouncy houses. She would have stayed in forever if we would have let her.

Tried to get some pumpkin shots. Norah was saying "Cheese!" nice and big for every picture.

Then it was Silas' turn.