Sunday, July 4, 2010


Silas Michael Jaeger!
He was born Friday July 2, 2010 at 9:37am. He hit the scales at 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. We were so blessed to have a good labor and delivery and we were so excited that we finally got to meet our little man. Seth went and got Norah and brought her down to meet Silas. She was in awe at first, but really excited. Whenever he had to leave the room Norah would ask, "Where Silas go?" She had fun visiting at the hospital especially when she got to watch a Dora the Explorer video (best thing I packed in the hospital bag). Because everything went smoothly and we were both healthy we were able to go home the next day. We love having Silas home and having our entire family together. Some family is coming up to meet Silas next weekend and to help us celebrate his baptism Sunday July 11.

Seeing Silas for the first time.

Telling us to "shhh" because Silas was sleeping.


The beautiful flowers Seth and Norah got me.

One of the fun things they did in the hospital.

Getting ready to go home.

Cash loves Silas already. He has been wonderful with him and understands already that Silas is top dog over him.


Sarah said...

Sweet baby boy. Keep those pictures coming! I also love how loving Norah is. When Isaac saw Julia for the first time, he sort of went "huh...nice" and then played with his cars.