Monday, October 20, 2008

A Fun Weekend Getaway

This past weekend Norah and I traveled again. We started off on Friday morning and headed to Hartford, WI to visit Jenni and Kevin Lauer and their new little girl Hayden Lily. We had a great time there. It was so fun to snuggle with Hayden who is two weeks old. Jenni looked amazing. I don't think I looked that good when Norah was two weeks old. Norah and I spent the night with them. We visited with them on Saturday till we had to leave for Cousin Miriam's wedding in Milwaukee. Jenni's mom, dad and sister-in-law stopped by on Saturday morning. It was very nice to see them. Then we were off to the wedding.

As soon as we walked into the church we saw Uncle Sam, cousin Bettina and Meg. They were all excited to meet Norah. She even snuggled with them a little. Later on we got to visit with Aunt Mary, Aunt Sue, Uncle Pete, Cousin Joe and Great Aunt Ruth. Cousin Miriam looked beautiful, like always, next to her new husband Ryan. It was a very nice wedding. Norah and I went to the reception and had dinner then we hit the road again to go to Grandma and Grandpa Jeagers for the night (someone was just a little sleepy). In the morning Norah had fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa. Especially Grandpa because it was his birthday. Then we headed home to see Dad. It was a fast little trip but we had a wonderful time visiting with friends and family.