Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hobbs Woods

We love spending time as a family outside. So recently after supper we took a nice "adventure" hike at Hobbs Woods. We had a lot of fun exploring.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter Afternoon

After church on Sunday, we traveled down to Grandma Joyce and Papa's house. We had beautiful weather! It was almost warm. After lunch we had an egg hunt in the back yard. All the kids had fun searching for the eggs. We are so thankful we were able to spend time with family.

Papa had a new swing put up. It was a big hit with the kids. They loved swinging super high.


Easter Morning

After all the excitement of Seth's turkey. the kids were able to find their baskets from the "Easter Bunny."

Before church we were able to get a couple pictures of the kids in their Sunday best.

Easter Bang

This Easter Sunday started out with a bang, literally. Seth had
his turkey hunting season over the end of Holy Week and into the weekend. Sunday morning was the day Seth was able to call a nice one in. It was 27 pounds. So now we have some yummy turkey in our freezer ready for a couple meals. 

New Teeth, New Hair

Norah was very excited to have another visit from the Tooth Fairy.

Lucy is also super cute with her new hair do.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bike Ride to the Park

We are enjoying the warmer weather and are spending more time outside. Earlier this week we took a bike ride to the park. It was Lucy's first ride and she loved! We can't wait to do this more.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our Climber

Little Lucy has been climbing up on kid chairs for a little while now. She also has been trying to get on higher things too. Today she figured out how to climb on a dining room table chair. She was so proud of herself. So I took a picture. Right after, Ruby got into something so I went to take care of it. When I came back to Lucy, she decided to climb a little higher.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Clean Teeth

This past week Norah and Silas got to go to the dentist. They did great. They sat really well and had no cavities! They were both very excited to get a new toothbrush. Theyvalso got to pick out a prize from the treasure chest. We were so proud of them.