Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Norah Loves Cash, Johnny Cash that is.

Since her birthday, Norah has enjoyed looking at greeting cards especially the ones that play music. So she loves the Father's day card we got for Seth that plays music and has a message from her inside. This morning she was having fun playing the music from the card and was singing along nice and loud. I got to catch part of it. Hope you all enjoy a little Johnny Cash.

Friday, June 25, 2010

No News Here

Things have been pretty mellow around here lately. We've been staying closer to home hoping that our little baby boy will come soon. We'll let you all know when stuff happens and we'll put up a bunch of pictures.

Our neighbor Sophie came over to play yesterday. Norah loved it. These two played so well together and I have a feeling they're going to keep us on our toes in the future.

Hopefully this will be the last belly picture. Here I am 37 1/2 weeks almost 38 weeks.

Norah wanted her picutre taken too after mommy got hers taken.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

"I'm Sprinklin'!"

"I'm sprinklin'!" are Norah's words. She was so excited to help mom put the sprinkles on the cookies that she made today. Surprisingly she didn't make that big of a mess. But I must say this little girl gets her sweet tooth from mom. At first all the sprinkles made it to the cookies and the frosting wasn't touched, but that didn't last too long.

Some of my favorites. The one with all the finger prints, loads of sprinkles, and the one on the top right that you can't even tell it was a white ice cream cone. We will all enjoy eating them.

Afternoon at the Park

Yesterday was a beautiful day so we decided to take Norah to Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls. We usually take her at least one time during the summer. It's fun to see her reactions each time, they keep getting better and better as she gets older.

Feeding the baby goats.

We got to play at the playground for a little while after seeing all the animals.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Playing with Cash

Norah has always loved watching Cash play, but lately she's been into playing with him. Almost every morning when we go downstairs for breakfast she needs to find him to say, "Good morning, Cash! How you doing?" She also has been trying to play fetch with him. I say trying because Cash doesn't know what to think about it. He's a little confused about the whole thing. Below is a video of her playing with him. It's not the best video, but you'll get the idea.